Tag Archives: St. Peter Julian Eymard

Heads of Saints!

When in Rome, visit the churches on Piazza San Silvestro and Piazza San Claudio.  They are off the Via del Corso to the right if you are walking from Piazza Venezia.

The inscription reads: "Head of St. John the Baptist, Precursor of the Lord". This relic is in the church San Silvestro in Capite, which also has relics of Sts. Pope Sylvester, Pope Dionysius, Pope Stephen I, Pope Zephyrinus, and Tarcisius. Many other relics of martyrs were brought here for security reasons from the catacombs. A list of them may be found in the church on a marble tablet from the eighth century.

The inscription reads: “Head of St. John the Baptist, Precursor of the Lord”. This relic is in the church San Silvestro in Capite, which also has relics of Sts. Pope Sylvester, Pope Dionysius, Pope Stephen I, Pope Zephyrinus, and Tarcisius. Many other relics of martyrs were brought here for security reasons from the catacombs. A list of them may be found in the church on a marble tablet from the eighth century.

The head of St. Peter Julian Eymard is contained in this reliquary in the church of San Claudio.

The head of St. Peter Julian Eymard is contained in this reliquary in the church of San Claudio.

The sanctuary of the church of San Claudio.  Under the care of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers, founded by St. Peter Julian Eymard, the church has daily adoration.

The sanctuary of the church of San Claudio. Under the care of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers, founded by St. Peter Julian Eymard, the church has daily adoration.

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